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Tempsure - Eyes - 6 Treatments
Tempsure - Eyes - 6 Treatments
Tempsure - Eyes - 6 Treatments
Tempsure - Eyes - 6 Treatments
Tempsure - Eyes - 6 Treatments
Tempsure - Eyes - 6 Treatments

Tempsure - Eyes - 6 Treatments

TempSure Envi is a FDA-approved advanced radiofrequency device treatment that minimizes wrinkles and fine lines, tightens skin* and improves the appearance. It’s safe for all skin types and levels of sun exposure, no downtime.

TempSure Envi delivers radiofrequency to gently heat your skin. Increasing your skins’ temperature for a defined, therapeutic time will trigger your body’s natural reaction to produce new collagen. The new collagen fibers are tight and dense leaving you with beautiful, younger-looking skin!